Nuclear regulatory authority
The Radiation Inspection and Control Service, Department of Labour Inspection, Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance, is responsible for radiation protection, nuclear safety and radioactive waste management.
Nuclear activities
There are no nuclear power plants, no research reactors, no radioactive waste management facilities, no manufacturing of radioactive sources or devices and no uranium mining and milling activities. Radioactive sources are used for medical, industrial and research purposes. All sources in use are imported.
Radioactive waste and spent fuel management
There is no production of spent fuel in Cyprus. Small amounts of short lived radioactive waste are produced from nuclear medicine and research activities.
Main legal instruments
The main legal instruments on these matters are the Protection against Ionising Radiation and Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Protection Law of 2018 and Regulations and Notifications issued under this Law. These cater for all topics involving Ionising Radiation including Basic Safety Standards, Medical Exposures, Emergency, High Activity Sources and Shipment of Radioactive Materials. Cyprus is also party to various relevant international Conventions and Treaties.
Last updated in November 2019