29 Jun 2015
Opening Session
The EU approach to nuclear safety
ANDREAS MOLIN - President of the Conference /Director – Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water
Management, Austria Conference President: Objectives for the conference
PATRICK MAJERUS - Head of Department of Radiological Protection – Ministry of Health, Luxembourg: Upcoming EU Presidency’s representative - speech
ANDY HALL - Chief Nuclear Inspector – Office for Nuclear Regulation, UK: ENSREG Chair – speech
Public engagement
JAN HAVERKAMP - Consultant on nuclear energy – Greenpeace: Public engagement - the benefits and challenges of openness and transparency
ELIOT BRENNER - Chair of the NEA Working Group on Public Communication and Director – Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, USA: Public engagement - the benefits and challenges of openness and transparency
RICHARD ADAMS - European Economic and Social Committee: Public engagement - the benefits and challenges of openness and transparency
Session 1: Operation of nuclear plants
HANS WANNER - Director-General – Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate, Switzerland: Safety requirements for long term operation or ageing aspects of nuclear plants beyond original design lifetime and for new design, construction and operation of nuclear power plants
ANTONIO MUNUERA - Nuclear Safety Director-General - Nuclear Safety Council, Spain: Outcomes of the 2nd workshop on National Action Plans, follow-up of European stress tests
GUOHAN CHAI - Chief Engineer of Nuclear Safety Centre – National Nuclear Safety Administration, People’s Republic of China: IAEA safety action plans – The global response in comparison to the European stress tests – A challenge to the international community
LUC VANHOENACKER Chairman – European Nuclear Installation Safety Standards Initiative, Belgium: Elements for a possible Commission Recommendation on harmonised conditions for safe long-term operation of nuclear power plants in the EU
Session 2: New legislation and peer reviews – maximising benefits and minimising costs
MASSIMO GARRIBBA - Director for Nuclear Safety and Fuel Cycle - Directorate General for Energy, European Commission: Nuclear Safety Directive 2009-2014: reinforcing the EU safety requirements
PIERRE-FRANCK CHEVET - President of the Nuclear Safety Authority, France: Expectations and experiences of IRRS Missions: IRRS feedback from the mission in France; proposals to improve the effectiveness of IRRS missions
KUN-WOO CHO - Senior Advisor for Radiation Protection and Safety – Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Republic of Korea: Topical peer reviews, ARTEMIS and other approaches to peer review
CHRISTOS HOUSIADAS - Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission in Greece Expectations and experiences of IRRS Missions: IRRS feedback from the mission in France proposals to improve the effectiveness of IRRS Missions
DIETER MAJER - Consultant in nuclear safety (formerly Director and Deputy Director-General of Safety of Nuclear installations Directorate - Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety), Germany: Maximising the benefit of peer reviews for nuclear safety and regulators
30 Jun 2015
Session 3: Spent fuel, decommissioning and radioactive waste management
FERNANDO CASTELLO - Commissioner Nuclear Safety Council, Spain: Safety focused strategies on disposal options - licensing
JUSSI HEINONEN - Head of Nuclear Waste and Material Regulation - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland: Experience of waste management and long term disposal
MAURIZIO BOELLA - Head of Unit, Nuclear Energy Technology, Nuclear Waste and Decommissioning Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission: Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management Directive - the overall European position and use of regulatory resources
Session 4:
Emergency preparedness and response
CHRISTIAN GREIPL - Director, Radiological Protection – Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany: Emergency preparedness in the early phase of severe accidents – the German perspective
GEORGES PILLER - Head of Division for Radiation Protection Emergency Preparedness and Organisation – Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate, Switzerland: Regulators’ approach to cross-border emergency preparedness (HERCA/WENRA paper)
BOJAN TOMIC - Managing Director – ENCO, Austria: Review of current off-site nuclear emergency preparedness and response
arrangements in EU member states and neighbouring countries
NADJA ŽELEZNIK - Vice President – Nuclear Transparency Watch, Slovenia: One year investigation on emergency preparedness and response in Europe
EU Strategy – the role of nuclear energy
MIGUEL ARIAS CAÑETE - European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy: Address by the European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy
Closing Session
ANDREAS MOLIN - Director - Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Austria: - Conference President’s closing remarks